
Thursday, September 17, 2020

Bearing Burdens (As Told In Bad Stick Figure Drawings)

 So, Galatians 6:2 says to "bear one another's burdens, and so fulfill the law of Christ." This sounds amazing and wonderful, to be able to love each other in this way, but it's also confusing to know HOW to do it sometimes. I want to learn to be a better friend and burden-bearer. But, it isn't always simple. A lot of different things can happen. A lot of different things can go wrong! I was thinking through this a while back, and although my drawing skills aren't that great, I wanted to illustrate. (Do try your best to guess the right order for the speech bubbles...) Here are some ways that "bearing one another's burdens" can play out.

1. I think I know the best way to bear a burden, but the way looks different than I think it will. Or than I want it to.

2. They think they know the best way to be helped, but they are confused about what biblical help actually is. Or maybe they don't know the true nature of the problem.

3. Denial. Which often leads to #4...

4. ...which is, me not trusting God to work in them, and me hurting my friend when they are already under a heavy load.

5. My friend wants help but I don't have the right tools. We sit together on my couch, drinking tea or eating tacos and plowing through Kleenexes, staring at each other, wishing we could fix the problem.

6. They're struggling, but I don't notice because I really just want them to help ME.

7. I feel insecure in the friendship if I can't help or am not needed.

8. My friend is broken under such a huge burden, no one can get close enough to help. All I can do is pray.

9. We help each other grow. <3

(For those of you who don't speak South African, "shap" is basically all right, cool, sounds good.")

As a bonus, I thought you would enjoy this video!

I am so thankful that in Christ, there is hope for us to be able to love and help each other well.

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