
Thursday, May 21, 2020

Lockdown Files - Week 2

Day 8: We were supposed to have a fire tonight, but it's raining. (We did get some outside time earlier.) This means all the kids have been stuck inside in my small and not-overly-childproofed house, but we are attempting to make the best of it with Lincoln logs (the ones I played with as a kid), cars, and books. I decided I am going to pick one (1) child as my dinner helper every day, and today it was Big T who was the sous-chef. He helped me make veggie soup and cornbread. The vibe is a bit "look at how important I am cooking while you guys play" but nonetheless, it seems to be a good chance to give them some individual attention and to be honest...I spend as much time breaking up fights when they are playing as I do letting them "help" cook!

We almost became #partyof12 as we got called for two new babies (and were going to get someone to come help) but apparently we aren't able to get them during lockdown.

Day 9: Today it rained all day long. Everything is sopping wet, including several children's socks because KK thought "go upstairs" meant "don't put on your boots first." My house hasn't gotten any larger since yesterday, but somehow we survived, although Auntie Abbie is tired and glad this rain + 5 children thing isn't a permanent arrangement.

Tonight when I asked Big T to help me with dinner, he told me "I'm not a cooker or a baker. I'm only a singer." I think the movie was more interesting...

Day 10: Palm Sunday - Sunday school, fire (chicken and rather burnt stick bread and corn), and a happy Special K enjoying her s'more. I gave her what I think was her first drumstick, and she cleaned that thing down to the bone. I had no idea she liked real meat (and could actually chew it). Babybear just looked at his and went back to his bread.

Day 11: Today we took some important phone calls (since we are working from home), made caterpillars, and Little T learned how to use the spiralizer to make zucchini chips, and helped me make lasagna.

Lest any of you think these posts indicate any level of keeping-it-together, please know that I'm just trying to be proactive in doing stuff with the kids in order to maintain my own sanity and focus on something positive - not because I thought it would be fun to be quarantined with five children under the age of five or because I'm naturally on top of things or something. (Those of you who are closest to me know that that is NOT AT ALL THE CASE.) Missions life is just normal life lived by a normal human being, except it does seem that it more often involves lapses in electricity, hot water, working toilets/drains, functional transport, WiFi, etc...(All issues over the last few months - thankfully it's just WiFi now and not the toilet or something.)

It is all very overwhelming. It's a daily battle to trust God. I miss having a day off and I miss occasionally having the delusion that I'm a patient person. (Spoiler: I'm not.) Certain children have begun narrating their life in song and speaking a made-up language they claim is Sepedi (it's not). Bad attitudes are common (sometimes, the kids have them too...) We can't figure out what the newborn wants half the time, and he's pretty cranky. Please keep us in your prayers. Please pray that I can trust God with each day, find satisfaction in Him, and that I can be patient with and love these kids.

Day 12: It was a better day today than yesterday. Lockie decided to sleep and chill for most of the day, and the rest of the kids, although never chill, weren't as taxing. (Thank you to everyone who is praying for us!)

Big T was my dinner helper tonight. He told me very seriously, "My legs are tired. They say they want to watch a show." I put him on the counter and he said "Now they are definitely not tired."

Me: KK, go read. Auntie Abbie is...
Big T: ...tired.

Not entirely inaccurate...

So have you heard the joke that goes "Pete and Repeat were in a boat. Pete fell out. Who was left?"
The other person is supposed to say "Repeat" and then you repeat the joke over again...and again...etc. Well, the kids don't QUITE get the concept.

Big T: Little T, Pete and Repeat were in a boat. Who fell out?
Little T: Repeat.
Big T: No, I mean who got back in the boat?
Little T: Pete.
Big T: Yeah.

Obviously we have a way to go on the concept of punchlines...but I think they are pretty hilarious.

Day 13: Today we did a science experiment with baking soda and vinegar, and added food coloring and glitter for a bit of extra pizzazz.
I've unearthed my violin and have been practicing after years of inactivity. I also dug out some of my beginner books and am reviewing old stuff. I can't believe the Laoureux made it to South Africa. That thing was my mortal enemy when I took lessons. I think I finally appreciate it! Those boring scales and exercises are more fun with two little cheerleaders/dancers. Play a boring technical exercise badly? "Yayyyy, Abbieeeee!!!"

Day 14: Today's excitement came to us courtesy of Babybear, who tripped over a Lego or something, whacked his head on the concrete, couldn't walk straight, and passed out for a few seconds while I scooped him up and ran with him upstairs. We monitored him for signs of a concussion and are glad to say that he was back to normal very soon (taking off his socks and eating three helpings of dinner), so thankfully it wasn't serious.

In better news, the WiFi tech came today to give us a quote, so there is hope for that...

We got word tonight that the lockdown is extended for another two weeks, so please pray for us. Life hasn't slowed down for us, it's kind of sped up into some weird merry-go-round dream I keep thinking I'm going to wake up from.

In reality though, we don't have it so hard - there are many people in our church and country struggling with a reduced or eliminated income (and their need for housing and food hasn't reduced!), as well as people who are staying alone, staying in much worse conditions, etc. Pray that the church will be able to address these needs even though physically our hands are tied in a lot of ways.

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