
Thursday, August 29, 2019

August Update

Hello everyone! Hope you are doing well. Winter is just about over now. It was very cold and I was thankful for my space heater and blankets…many, many blankets! However, although it’s cold, it is also very short. May, June and July are cold and in August it starts to get warm again, at least during the day. The nights are still a little chilly.


Babies have been moving in and out again! One of the most exciting things that happened is that after two and a half years, Littlebug has finally been placed in a family! Best of all, his new parents are our manager (my former housemate) and her husband! So not only is he in a loving Christian home, we still get to see him – multiple times per week, in fact, as he comes to work with her when she comes to MBH. He is really growing and blossoming in a family. Pipsqueak also has a family – she was adopted in July, and we are thankful she was placed at such an early age! Special K and Babybear (now 18 and 17 months) are still here, and they keep us very busy. We spend a lot of the day outside with them. Special K loves to help in the garden, digging dirt, picking up leaves and stones, and helping to hold the hose. Babybear enjoys wandering around in his own little world and “cooking” in the play kitchen. M&M is still here as well – he is six months old now and is very chubby!

Matching with auntie

My little garden helper

Chef Babybear


Of course we still have our houseparents’ children – Big T (almost 4) and Little T (almost 3). The other exciting news is that after years of persistence, our houseparents finally received their foster care order for Big T! He told us “I’m going to court to be somebody’s mommy and daddy!” It’s awesome that they now have more stability. The 2T’s are getting very big! They are now awfully heavy to pick up, but I still do it anyway! They are hilarious and make me laugh every day with the funny things they say. They are also becoming very helpful with the babies, in the garden, etc. Last week we planted beans and I found Big T talking to the seeds. “Wake up! I am hungry of you! I want to eat you!”

Four more adorable (and inefficient) pea-shellers cannot be found anywhere!

Pea-shellers...or pea-eaters? That is the question...

Our new arrivals are Rolypoly (8 months, girl) and Tiny T (1 month, boy). Rolypoly lives up to her name and is constantly moving all over the place (she is very difficult to hold!) Tiny T is so little and sweet! We are now full with five babies. The place is always hopping with our five, the 2T’s, and random other children who often happen to be here visiting. Right now while I’m writing this Babybear and Special K are standing on the step leading down to my house, shaking the garden hose, shouting, and trying to pull on the flowers…ha ha.


So snuggly!

My housemate situation has been changing a lot, too. Vimbai and I are still living together, but she has been house-sitting for the last couple of months while our pastor’s family is on furlough, so I only see her a little on the weekends. Luise left at the end of July, and it was very hard to let her go! We still talk almost every day, though. In her place, we have had an almost-constant stream of volunteers passing through, all Germans, all great housemates and very hard workers! The two girls who are here now leave next week and we receive a new intern (from the US) a few days later. Also, my parents are coming to visit in just under three weeks! I’m beyond excited about that. Please pray for me with all of these changing housemates, that I will keep learning to practice hospitality and to reach out to and love people even if they are only here for a few weeks and I don’t have time to build a long-term relationship.

My sister <3

At the end of July, I was so blessed to be able to take a several-day trip to Kruger National Park with Luise and my friend Sarah. We enjoyed it so much! We got to see a lot of wildlife and really just enjoyed having a break for a few days, even if we did have to chase warthogs away from our front porch!

Up close and personal - way more fun than a zoo!


Sarah braving the warthogs

I finished one semester (“module”) of school at the end of July. It was a lot of hard work! I’m still getting used to the self-discipline needed to balance school with work/ministry life. I had several weeks of break before starting again in August and I really enjoyed them…probably a bit too much! It’s hard to get back into the routine! This module is going to be challenging, but good. We are studying Pilgrim’s Progress for the whole semester, and if the first two weeks are any indication, we are studying it in such depth that we won’t get all the way through it in just the few months allotted! I’ve only ever read the children’s version, so I’m looking forward to enjoying the classic. Please pray for me that 1.) I’ll be able to keep up with the homework and pace myself and 2.) I’ll really learn and apply what is being taught to my own life. Also, please pray that I will still be able to work at/maintain relationships well with those around me, even when I’m very busy. 
Speaking of homework, it's getting late here, and I'd better get going if I want to get any done tonight! Love you all. <3

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