
Wednesday, February 1, 2017

Winter Update

Hey everyone!

Sorry, you haven't heard much from me lately on this blog (besides the occasional crochet pattern). This is mostly because I'm still at home and don't have a whole lot of new things to say.

I'm currently ALMOST 3/4 of the way to my monthly support goal (if you see on the thermometer graphic to the side of this blog). When I hit $1000/month, I am going to book my return ticket to South Africa. I have had a lot of one-time gifts, and I will trust God to bring in the rest when I need it. I have to return for a little while in late April 2018 (next year) to renew my visa, but hopefully that trip doesn't take too long!

As always, if any of you have more questions about monthly support or how it works, don't hesitate to email is

I have been doing my best to keep busy at home with visiting friends and speaking at churches, working on my crochet business, and sewing/doing other crafts. Here are some things I have made recently:



and more dresses,

as well as these quilts (no, most of these aren't going back with me...I don't have THAT much space! But the dresses are!)

It's been nice to spend lots of time with people too - my grandma, as she's getting older (and isn't so happy about me moving away...), and friends farther away - I've been blessed to be able to travel some while I've been home.

Making Christmas cookies with my grandma


Visiting a friend with adorable puppies!

She has lots of chickens too. I miss my chickens! I have lost two to snakes (or who knows what) while I've been gone.

And, of course, time in the States wouldn't be complete without frequent trips to the thrift store. No, I didn't buy these beauties! Ha ha!

It was nice to spend the holidays at home. We had Thanksgiving at my aunt's. Isn't this a beautiful table?!

Christmas was fun too, with lots of decorations.

All these nativity sets! Yes, that is one made up of bunnies!

Sweet baby Z is the only one of the babies I left who is still in our care! We have had a new bunch of kiddos come in since I've been gone. He's so big now - he just turned one and has started walking. As you can see he is enjoying his mango - I'm jealous that I'm missing mango season!

So, that is my life here in Ohio - it hasn't been super exciting, but I wanted to write an update so people didn't think this had become entirely a craft blog! ;) Hopefully I will return to South Africa soon so there will be a lot more baby pictures then!

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