
Saturday, April 25, 2015

More available journals

I've been busy these last few days making some more journals for the craft show that I went to today. Unfortunately, none of them sold (I actually made less than $20, and that was selling buckeyes as well. Which are still available - $5/dozen - if you're local, by the way).

London journal

Upcycled vintage book journal #1

Upcycled vintage book journal #2. I felt a little weird cutting them up, but I like the journals...

Africa journal with Africa/heart charm. This is an old map. All the countries are very different. Pretoria is still there though!

Plain sheet music journal with music note charm.

All of these (except the Africa journal, which is reserved) are available and ready to ship for $20 + shipping - you can view them here on Facebook.

I really need to do a tutorial on Coptic binding soon! I have a few more journals in the works - some custom orders and a few map journals. Maybe I will take some pictures for a tutorial then. I have a lot of tutorials planned...I've just been too lazy to get to them lately. ;) I'm not sure why I keep making all these journals when I have so many in stock! It's kind of a compulsion, I guess.

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