
Wednesday, November 12, 2014

Go well, Owlie

 I'm a bit late in posting this update, due to Internet malfunctions and lots of busyness. Oh, by the way, God miraculously fixed the baby home internet, or so it appeared. There was a storm, and all of a sudden it started working again...Also, I'm home now. Next post about that!

But for now, I want you all to know that this sweet one, our Owlie, is in her forever family!

She looks pretty happy about it.

We are happy too although we will miss her greatly! Especially her auntie Joy who insisted that this naughty baby was an angel!

Actually, she's a pretty happy Most of her early pictures looked like this:

She wanted to be held all the time! She usually got her way. =)

Sweet, lovable, squishy baby girl! You are loved. Your mama cried tears of joy when she met you for the first time.

It's been a pleasure watching you grow from this smushy-faced newborn... this big, smiley girl!

I love you, Owlie! Go well!

~ Auntie Abbie

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