
Tuesday, February 4, 2014

Life, these days

It's Tuesday, our "day off" (that translates to our busiest day, actually ;) ) and I finally have a little time to sit down and blog! My laundry (both loads) is hanging out to dry, the bagels that I'm not going to have time to bake are raising out in the (intermittent) sunshine, shopping is done (it was actually my turn to watch the Drew kids this week while Heather, Joy and Alyssa shopped for themselves and me), intern Bible study happened, and I'm trying to ignore the fact that the usual host of Tuesday evening Bible study cancelled this week, it's going to be here in less than 2 hours, and the living room is kind of a mess!

So at any rate, we've been VERY busy lately, which is why this blog is sadly neglected. I realized the other day I had next to no pictures of the last two weeks, so I ran around taking a bunch!

Here is our newest addition. I'm nicknaming her "Cupcake." Would anyone like a Cupcake? She's sweet, tiny and squishy....

She is 2 months old.

She weighed in at 2.5 kilograms (that's about 5.5 pounds). 

She was the same size as Small when she arrived. She is doing well! 

We now have two preemies. They usually share a crib - it is easier to care for them together and they are both so tiny!

Here they are all swaddled snug in their blankies!

Since they are so small and fragile, we are going to be setting up a preemie room in the (soon to be former) office. One caregiver (Jeanne on weekdays, Linda at night, and Joy on weekends) will care for them, in order to give them stability and limit their exposure to sickness. I get to care for them on Thursday afternoons when the ladies go to Bible study, and Sunday mornings when Joy isn't there. As you can imagine I am happy to get a chance to squish them! Gently, of course.

I have recently joined the ranks of the baby-wearing. With a vengeance, apparently - there are 2 babies here...

Little Guy and Princess are both fans. Major fans. I-won't-stop-crying-if-you-don't-put-me-in-the-carrier fans.

They are nice for church. Until the baby spits up all over your church shirt. Then spits up all over your second church shirt. It's a losing battle. But if they aren't crying *cough* I mean praising the Lord very vocally in church, who cares?

Small is not as major of a fan. He's learning...

Slowly. He sure is cute...

Cintelle has recently re-joined us - she was gone for a while over Christmas. She loves the babies! Especially Squishy.

As you can see, they are having a conversation. If Squishy could talk, he'd say, "I don't think people are paying NEARLY enough attention to my cute squishy self."


Of course, he would argue that it is impossible to pay enough attention to his cute squishy self.

Idelheit also works here a day or two a week. She is Auntie Patricia's daughter. We introduced her to Mad Libs the other night. Finally, someone who understands American humor! ;)

Little Guy isn't so little anymore. Check out those fat rolls!

Squishy is growing too! Look at him trying to hold his own bottle. He even has his pinky out. A proper gentleman.


Most definitely squishable...

A little bit spoiled rotten...

And mostly just cute.

Pure trouble. ;)

Can you tell by that devilish smile?

Auntie Linda with Cupcake

Being cute

Joy (I want hair like hers when I grow up!), Sunshine, Heather, and Themba

Six babies means a LOT of laundry.

And, ironing. South Africans iron things I never knew needed ironing. Good thing ironing seems to be therapeutic. Mostly. Fitted sheets, they were a learning curve...

Lovely murals

Wall of pictures - these babies have gone into Christian foster care, back to birth parents, or are in the process of adoption. =)

Life, as far as the cooking adventure goes, is getting better. I'm learning. Menu planning is still my downfall, but I'm still alive, so I must be doing something OK.


I made popcorn on the stove for the first time... 

...made pizza and banana bread (and gave the pizza bunny ears. I think I'm suffering from sleep deprivation...)...


And after! I went to put it away and there were only 3 pieces left, so it must have been ok!

I also blanched green beans...

and made completely-from-scratch pierogies. There are several more bags in the freezer. =)

This was supposed to be the long, insightful, and informative post...but it ended up being mostly a picture narration. More details hopefully coming soon. You all just want to see cute babies anyway, right? But yeah. Really. I actually plan on writing something insightful and thought provoking. Soon.

Love you all!

~Auntie Abbie

1 comment:

  1. Any one of those adorable squishable babies that will fit in your suitcase when you come home will be perfect for John and Cordia. If you can fit more than one, please do! Actually, just strap a couple on in that carrier and come on!!
