
Monday, January 29, 2018


I never got to writing the posts for December, so I will do my best to fill you in this month! I'm currently sitting at the library in town and it is SO blissfully quiet compared to trying to write during the day at MBH! Ha ha!

These last two months have been full. I know I say that every time I write an update, but it is even more the case than usual. December holidays happened, I took a trip to Durban (my first real vacation in South Africa!), and a good friend got married. In addition to all these blessings, we went through a lot of hardship. My dear friend, mentor, and pastor's wife, mom of nine kids, was diagnosed with stage 3 breast cancer. Other friends from our church suffered losses as well, family members seriously ill and unexpected death. Difficulties in relationships and watching dear friends go through hardship and suffering I'd never wish on anyone. Uncertainties regarding our babies' futures. Life has been raw and real but through the midst of it all is woven the golden thread of God's grace and strength and love, sustaining us and binding us ever closer as a family, even when we are hurting and when we hurt each other. I won't lie, the last two months have been painful, but I am slowly watching God breathe life into the ashes of pain, bringing growth and redemption...working His perfect plan even when life hurts.

I'm grateful that we have still had a lot of joyful moments over the last two months!

Traditional wedding in Durban

All dressed up for the occasion!

Hiking with my friend Idel, who accompanied me on the road trip

The view was amazing! Worth braving the slight drizzle.

We had lunch by a waterfall.

What would a trip to Durban be without time at the beach? So glad the weather cleared up! It was supposed to rain most of the time we were there. Our vacation theme: How Cheap Can We Possibly Be? As my one friend says, "The beach is free!"

We visited this little place called "Mini Town." Cuteness overload.

Top of one of the World Cup stadiums - they had a cable car ride.

Friends <3

We left on Sunday and came back the Thursday before Christmas. Saturday (the 23rd) was our 2nd Sort of Annual MBH Baking Day with the nannies.

Trying out a new recipe!

Vim working hard

Grandma Higginbotham's sugar cookies

I took my friend's boys to go see the Christmas lights at a nearby attraction. They also had a Ferris wheel - the boys loved it!

Christmas was spent at three different houses. Christmas Eve was the Drews, where we had a imperfectly perfect Christmas Eve, watching cheesy movies and burning many batches of rolls in the oven that apparently only had one setting, Blazing Inferno. L and I had a lovely time, minus the roll-burning part, although I think someone letting you bake in their kitchen at midnight on Christmas Eve is one of the truest signs they've adopted you into their family!

The next day around lunchtime we moved on to my friend Amani and Natacha's flat, where we had a true African Christmas braai (cookout), complete with enough beef to completely gorge myself.

Hanging out with the kids


Right around the time I was completely stuffed and lying on the grass staring lazily up at the sky, it was time to move on to the Macks' for even more food! No one ever said being single means you have to be lonely (or hungry, for that matter). I was getting a bit desperate before Christmas and inviting myself everywhere, hoping I'd be able to find someone to adopt me as their Christmas baby - haha - but I didn't expect everyone to say yes!

New Year's was a quiet Sunday evening spent eating pizza, cheesecake, and mournfully watching Vim cream me at Dutch Blitz (which I had just taught her that night).

Our babies are getting bigger! L is now not only walking, but running, except when he's crashing, as seen above (we went to one nap this month). He knows the signs for "please", "thank you", and "all done" and the signs to answer "Who made you?" (God did) and "What else did God make?" (All things.) He doesn't talk much but did say "showtime!" and "Tadiwa!" this month so I wouldn't be surprised if his language starts exploding any day!

J can now ride a bike on his own (just kidding). But really, he's huge. He weighs about as much as L, even though L is 15 months and J is 8 months. He has two teeth now. He loves to give hugs (and pull hair, and earrings - ouch!) He can sit up, roll around, and turn in a circle. He enjoys swinging, snuggles and especially FOOD!

Little Miss C is on the move! She's seven months old and rolling EVERYWHERE! She loves to kick anything within reach - be it furniture, walls, doors, or other babies. She can hold her own bottle and is eating lots of veggies - although she doesn't like peas or green beans!

Baby "R" is growing fast! She's getting really chubby. She's five months old now and has two teeth. She enjoys being held and playing on her tummy and is starting to smile and interact more. She is usually a good napper and pretty content, unless it's feeding time!

That's about all I have to share with you today - gotta wrap up some more work here while I have the chance!