One day, the spring rain brought us a beautiful double rainbow.
The babies are all doing well. Baby C (below, left) is four months old. Baby L (center) is one now and is crawling all over the place and trying to stand up. Baby J (right) is six months old and smiles so much!
At church!
Below: M and J (again). M is also six months old. They are both starting baby food - our blender never seems to stop running! M likes to hang out and roll around on the floor.
Baby R is already two and a half months old! She's catching up on C - they both wear the same clothes.
Our newest driver - just kidding! He does look quite at home behind the wheel, though...
Big T and baby L both had birthdays this month (on the same day). T is two and L is one. We had a party for them and we made a HUGE cake. It was kind of an ambitious project so I talked Kundai, my newest coworker, into helping me bake it. She's pretty much game for anything that involves baking.
The finished product! (Photo credit: Britt)
The big kids enjoying Pancake Night! Someone was pretty excited, I guess.
There's been a lot of life happening at Living Hope, as well! We held our annual Fun Day, where our small groups compete against each other in singing, volleyball, cheers, and games. We won! Now I have to dust the trophy all year...haha.
CPGC! (Capital Park Gospel Community)
Some days I feel like a pack mule and/or a one-woman band!
Here is our GC's song! I'm the white girl in the back with zero dance moves. I struggle enough to kick AND sing to an African beat, and adding clapping is pretty much impossible. It was fun though!
More random pictures - here's Sunday school this month. The kids were having a competition with their tops they won for learning memory verses. It was really cute.
At a wedding!
Congolese food at the wedding. I tried one of those fish with heads too...only I didn't eat the head...or the tail...or the I'm not sure you could say I really ate it at all, by African standards...
The next day I went out with a friend and we tried Turkish food, which I'm not sure either of us had ever heard of, but it was delicious - would definitely recommend. All those things (except the fries) went inside pieces of the bread that you tear off. It was pretty good!
That's about all I have for right now! Stay tuned as I have an idea for a new series of blog posts - I'd like to introduce you to my coworkers.